Registration is open for the 2023 Florida Association of County Attorneys Mid-Year CLE Seminar which will take place on Thursday, November 16, 2023  in Hillsborough County at the Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay.  The seminar will be held as an in-person event only.  


The CLE will consist of 4.5 general and CCLG certification credits.  You can register for the event by logging into your FAC portal HERE, choose the Events tab at the top of the page and scroll down to “2023 FACA Mid-Year CLE Seminar.”  The DRAFT Agenda can be viewed by clicking HERE.  


Under FAC’s hotel room booking process, hotel booking information will be sent, via email, to registrants AFTER you have registered for the seminar.   For more information regarding the Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay, please click HERE.   Please register and reserve your hotel at your earliest convenience.   Reservations under the FAC room block will end October 23, 2023.  


As always, there is NO registration fee for FACA members.  The fee for non-members, paralegals/legal assistants and law students/interns are as follows:


Non-Member: $150
Paralegals/Legal Assistants:$75


Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Emily Anderson at or 850.922.4300.


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